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Catering for Good

The Catering for Good Directory, developed in collaboration between Department of Health and our very own Healthy Eating Advisory Service, helps Victorian workplaces access healthier, sustainable catering, featuring certified social enterprises and Victorian Aboriginal businesses.

about Catering for Good

The Catering for Good Directory has been developed to help Victorian workplaces access healthier and more sustainable catering. The Directory also highlights certified social enterprises (social enterprises that have been certified by Social Traders), and Victorian Aboriginal businesses (Victorian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned businesses that have been certified by Kinaway).

If you are a Victorian workplace interested in embedding the provision of healthier food and drinks in your organisational policies and supplier contracts you can find more information here.

the impact


caterers listed on the Directory

Case Studies coming soon

visit the Catering for Good Directory to learn more

More flagship programs

We create and deliver impactful, large-scale programs across Australia.


We create a whole of school approach, empowering educators, canteens, caregivers and students to create a culture and environment that supports nutritious food and drink choices thanks to funding from the Department of Health Western Australia.

Vic Kids Eat Well

Transforming the food and drink environments where kids spend their time.
Vic Kids Eat Well
Site by Sod